
Monday, October 5, 2009

the Sickness !

Holla! Im sick ! Yeay ! Haha. Urm, a lil bit unwell for this past 2days. Yeay! Lpas je blk dari dating arituh trus dmam. Ntah ap2 ntah. Haha. Luckily, I've got a good good friends here to take care of me. Yeah, Im lucky. Haha! Urm, nothing to do today, besides sleeping, eating, txting, calling and so so on. Urm, do miss my B so so so much yeah ! Urm, cant wait for makan2 time everyday. Urm, actually, for her, i ate medicine on time. Everyday. Amazing achievements for me! Hooray. Urm, that date went well and she was so so cute. Damn! Grrr. And syg, miss na dgr u karaoke lg. She taught me how to eat sushi and now, Im addicted. It is because of you syggg. Urm. wlupun rushing, Im happy. Love that bau2 thingy sygg. Your hug comforts me, your touch makes me warm. Your kiss makes me surprised and loved. Haha! Till wednesday, my agenda is easy, sleeping, sleeping, eating, eating, txting, txting, calling, calling, haha ! Till then, daaa.

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