
Saturday, August 29, 2009

permulaan hari yg bosan

The date is 29/08/09. The time is 5:50 A.M. Bru lpas bersahur & perut sgat kenyang. Serious shit kenyang. Haha. Before sahur td smpat berperang dgn gfku tersyg. Atas sbb2 privacy & ak mls nk menaip pnjang, ak mls nk gtau sbb ap perang itu meletus. Haha. Yang pentingnye skang neyh ak tgh confuse nk wtpe. Let me tell you a story. Maafla pepagi neyh mls nk menaip English full. Ak bknnye bdak TESL nk English je memanjang. Haha. No offence for TESLians, I salute you guys. Mwahx. You must always put family first. In whatever situation it must be family first. Haha. The story is, there's a boy (which is ME) that fells in love so deeply with this young girl (of course, it is my gf). They were together for 4 years, which a long long time. During their happy moments, they have quite a lot fights and screams. There were yelling and screaming but they were still together. If a year has 365 days, there would be 245 days of fighting. So, I need your help, should they continue or just let it go. Send me your comments/opinions. Thanks.

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